A maintenance program of the roof is fundamental for ensuring its long-term performance. Through such a program, potential problems can be detected in their early stages and extensive damage be fully prevented.
Here are a few things to ask your full service Fort Worth roofers about maintaining your commercial roof:
Should the access to the roof be limited?
A lot of roof damage is caused by traffic, so yes, you should limit the access to your roof only to authorized personnel. It would be good to keep a record of all the people who had access to the roof and the works they performed (e.g., HVAC installers, solar panel installers etc.), in order to be able to communicate these details to roofing specialists who will inspect the roof and take care of its maintenance. Look for more tips like this at fortworthroofing.net/.
How many times a year should the roof be inspected?
Specialists recommend two inspections per year, especially in spring and autumn, but it is recommended to check the roof after every severe weather event (storms, hail). The sooner a problem is identified, the more promptly it can be repaired and the damage will be minimized. So do the costs, by the way!
Does the roof need to be cleaned periodically?
Flat commercial roofs must be kept clean. From sloped roofs, some types of debris can slide down more easily, but on a flat roof they tend to accumulate and may clog drain holes or damage the roof surface, making it prone to water infiltrations.