Finding out whether or not the recent strong winds that have swept through your area have damaged your roof is essential if you don’t want your home’s interior to be damaged by leaks or even flooded. Wind damage is typically characterized as damaged or missing parts such as shingles or flashing that have been ripped away by the wind or mildly damaged as a result of a powerful storm.
The quickest way to assess the situation is to get on the roof and see for yourself whether or not these roofing elements were damaged. As you get on the ladder, you might see that there are shingles or tiles that are partially or completely missing from the place where they should be located. Also, you might notice the flashing was partially damaged or swept away. This is important to notice, since your flashing is the part of the roof that protects the decking and the interior of your home from rainwater.
Once you assess the situation, it’s important to write everything down and determine whether or not you can fix the damage yourself. If it’s too much or you simply don’t have the time or the tools to take on the project, simply contact recommended Fort Worth roofers and ask them to help you out.