How to File a Roof Damage Claim

by | Jan 19, 2020 | Insurance

Roof damage is a devastating experience that leaves roof owners in a state of shock. However, quick and adequate reaction is key to mitigating the damage as well as to obtaining the right amount of compensation.

Fort Worth roofing companies can help with storm damage claims

Here is what to do:

  • Ensure the safety of the site – in most cases, extensive roof damage is associated with water damage in the attic or even in the rooms, so evacuating everyone from the building to safety and disconnecting the utilities, especially the electricity, the gas and the water, is essential;
  • Document the damage – this phase is best handled by experienced storm damage Fort Worth roofing companies who know how to move safely on a damaged roof and how to identify even the smallest sign of damage. Make sure that every damaged roofing component is photographed and video footage of the damage will also be useful;
  • Mitigate the damage – the next essential step is to prevent further damage with an adequate method, such as covering the roof in foil;
  • Put together and file the claim – home insurers require policy holders to follow specific steps for filing insurance claims. Find out the steps from the insurer’s website or through its helpline, then fill in the document, attach the required evidence of the damage and submit the claim personally or online. Your insurer will probably send its own expert to check the damaged roof, after which they will propose a compensation amount. If you have specified a higher amount on your claim, one or several negotiation sessions will follow, at the end of which you and your insurer will hopefully reach a settlement.